Sustainability: the best care for the best tomorrow

At Softys, we understand sustainability as the search for a better tomorrow for all people, where each one can develop their potential to the fullest. We are convinced that we can and must contribute to a common dream, where alliances and collaborative work will lead us to fulfill it.

It inspires us to give the best care to people, to our collaborators, clients and consumers, to the communities of which we are a part and to the environment, through beloved and recognized brands throughout Latin America.

This vision leads us to put sustainability at the center of the business and our corporate culture, which is materialized in our Business Plan 2023, which seeks to inspire maximum performance, achieving the care of our consumers, collaborators and environment, generating sustainable value for all.

In order to materialize the sustainability dimension of our 2020-2023 Business Plan and define our areas of action in line with CMPC's Sustainability Strategy, we developed our 2020-2023 Sustainability Strategy, under the promise of delivering "the best care, for a better tomorrow".

  • SDG 3: Health and Wellbeing

    An SDG that is at the heart of Softys, which is expressed in our purpose of "providing the best care on a day-to-day basis, and at each stage of people's lives". We exist to provide the best care, to promote health and hygiene as drivers of development.

  • Positive impacts on the value chain

  • Taking care of us, to take care of you

  • With you in your day to day, and in each stage of your life

  • Allies in the development of local communities

  • Positive impacts on the value chain

    We are responsible for the footprint that we generate, which is why we work with all the actors in our supply chain to actively contribute to the reduction and mitigation of impacts on our planet.

    Material issues:

    • Water.
    • Materials and packaging.
    • Waste.
    • Emissions.
    • Energy.
    • Responsible Supply.

    Associated goals:

    • Reduce our use of industrial water by 40% by 2025.
    • Be a company with zero industrial waste to landfill by 2025.
    • Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, scopes 1 and 2, by 2030.
    • Achieve 100% of our critical suppliers to make their ESG management transparent through supplier management platforms (EcoVadis and/or CDP) by 2025.
    • Achieve 100% FSC Chain of Custody Certification by 2025.

Download our Responsible Sourcing Policy

We are convinced that our business development must be based on an integrated culture, where sustainability is a transversal axis of our operating way and where our strategic suppliers and partners are allies in the achievement of our common goals, which translates into a better care experience for our collaborators, clients, consumers and the environment.

Enter the Sustainability evaluation program

To work side by side with our suppliers, from a logic of continuous improvement, we map our extended impacts, through an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) assessment in conjunction with EcoVadis, which allows us to generate sustainable and resilient supply chains. . We invite you to be part of this important initiative.

Download our sustainability report

It applies to 8 countries and more than 20 markets where we are present; allows us to materialize our differentiating commitments of integrity, care, trust, achievement and excellence and significance; and places the management of our material issues at the center, in social, environmental and governance spheres. The initiative is part of CMPC's Corporate Sustainability Strategy, whose work began just over three years ago with the gathering of information, which the company materialized last year with the launch of its commitments, to which Softys contributes with the goals that have been set with its Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2023

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2020

Sustainability Report 2019

Recognitions and Certifications

ICONTEC zero waste certification at the Gachancipá and Santander plants in Quilichao (Colombia).

Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards 2021 recognized Softys, in the "Cellulose & Fiber Tissue Producers" category for its second Sustainability Report 2020.

Golden Effie for virtual march against gender violence, Ladysoft Peru (2021 award). Silver Effie for the first inclusive campaign "Babysec Commitment" (2019 award).

Gold Seal for Energy Efficiency at the Talagante and Puente Alto plants (Chile).

SDG Good Practices by Softys Water Challenge, during 2021.