Supplier Relations

At Softys we take care of our suppliers, therefore we want to have a transparent and fair purchasing process. That is why we invite you to know the Softys purchasing process.

Milestones of the Purchasing Process

  • The quotation (RFQ -Request for Quotation) or bidding (RFP -Request for Proposal) processes occur through the SAP Ariba platform. Invitations are sent by system courier and must be answered through the system, according to the instructions for each process.

  • OC/OS: The Purchase Order is the necessary instrument to make the purchase of a good or service to the selected provider. The negotiated conditions are set out in this document: price conditions, amounts, delivery time, place, delivery method, etc.

    Contract: The user area is responsible for managing the Contracts agreed with suppliers, from a technical and performance point of view, complying with the corresponding Policy and Procedures.

    Each User area must control, on a monthly basis, compliance with the relevant obligations (SLA), labor, tax, environmental or otherwise, by its contractors.

    The Purchasing area is responsible for managing the contracts negotiated by Purchasing, from a commercial point of view. This includes price adjustments, guarantees, penalties, expiration or renewal periods.

  • Suppliers must comprehensively comply with the delivery dates stipulated by the contract or OC / OS received. Punctuality is one of the criteria of quality of care in the evaluation of provider performance.

  • In all countries where legislation allows it, ELECTRONIC billing must be used. Suppliers must send the invoices for the collection of goods and services to the Accounts Payable unit of the Subsidiary, specifying the number of the OC / OS and the number of the Dispatch Guide or Service Acceptance Sheet (HAS), according to corresponds. In cases where several purchases are consolidated in an invoice, the corresponding purchase order numbers and the dispatch guide number or HAS must be clearly indicated.

    In cases where Accounts Payable finds any divergence between the invoice and the OC / OS (prices, quantity or payment condition, etc.), Accounts Payable must reject and return the invoice for correction to the supplier, within the legal deadlines that local law requires.

  • Check the payment dates scheduled by the Accounts Payable area.

Register on the Ariba Network site

Registration as a potential Softys Provider

Update supplier data already registered

Send your details and we will contact you shortly.

Mandatory fields

Registration as a potential supplier of Softys

Send your details and we will contact you shortly.

Mandatory fields

Documents Related to the Purchasing and Contracting Process

Below you will find the documents that are part of the Softys quotation and/or bidding process, which must be mandatory for our suppliers. To download them, you must click on each of them.

General Terms of Service Contract

General Bases Supply of Goods

Supplier Code of Conduct

Crime Prevention Model

Code of ethics

Integrity Policy

Special Regulations for Softys Chile Contractor and Subcontractor Companies

Environmental Guideline for Suppliers