Frequent questions

Information about Peru

  • You must have a security training, this is mandatory.

    Productos Tissue del Perú SAC (Lima Plant)
    Jr. Los Cascanueces 350 - Santa Anita. Email:
    - For Contractors: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - From 8:30 am.
    - For Carriers: Monday Starting Time 2 pm.

    Productos Tissue del Perú SAC (Cañete Plant)
    Av. Mariscal Benavides 774 - Cañete. Email:
    - For Contractors: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - From 8:30 am.

    You must have a security training, this is mandatory. The current SCTR and identity document (DNI) must be attached. Once you complete the course, you will be given a card that you must present to enter the plant.

  • It depends on the area you visit or the place where the service will be provided.

    CONVERSION: Safety boots. Reflective vest. Auditive protectors. Glasses.

    TOILETS: Safety boots. Reflective vest. Coping.

    MANUFACTURE: Safety boots. Reflective vest. Auditive protectors. Glasses.

    AMACENES Op. Log. : Security boots. Reflective vest. Helmet.

  • Services:
    For the billing of services, the invoice, the copy of the Service Order, the Service Acceptance Sheet (HAS) must be presented, in addition to detailing the numbers (OS and HAS) on the invoice and finally the report acceptance of service signed by user and provider.

    For the delivery of materials, spare parts and / or goods, they are only received with the respective guide stamped by those responsible for physical security.

    To register merchandise invoices, you must present: The invoice, copy of the purchase order, guide stamped by a person in charge of physical security and a storekeeper.

  • The HAS (Service Acceptance Sheet) must be requested from the user who receives the service. This document, once made, goes through a release process and afterwards it must reach the same registered contact to receive purchase and service orders. If it is no automatically supplied after its release, it may be requested in PDF from the responsible user and requestor of the service.

  • Our closure is 5 business days before the last day of the month, in December you must confirm it with an official from the purchasing area.

  • Once the documents have been received by the accounting study, the registration will proceed.

    The address where they should leave the documents:

    - Av. Santa Rosa 560. Santa Anita. Lima. At the following times:/br>- Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

    The date indicated in the invoice charge will be the credit start date and will be used for the payment scheduling.

    The invoice payment date will begin to run from the date of its registration, not from the invoice date.

  • You must send an email to the treasury department, the person in charge of local payments is Manuel Medina,, listing invoice numbers, name and SAP code of the supplier that appears in all your purchase or service orders.

    The response will be sent to the inquiry email in a time no longer than 3 business days.

  • The certificate is sent automatically to the registered mail, if this does not happen or there is a problem with the registered mail, you must write to the accounting area, to the mail, specifying the name and RUC of the company you represents .

  • You must write to the shopping area, to the emails below:


    You must indicate your supplier code (which appears on all purchase or service orders) and write in the "Subject" of the email: "EMAIL CHANGE REQUEST" and indicate in the body of the email the new email to consider .

    The modification will proceed in a time no longer than 3 business days.

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Payment Schedule 2021