Frequent questions

Information about Ecuador

  • You must have a security training, this is mandatory

    Reserve your quota for the training 24 hours in advance to the following emails:


    The analysis of the task or service to be performed must be coordinated with the Risk Prevention area in order to take the respective precautions before executing it.

    Use of PPE to enter the plant and offices (prohibited use of heels or sandals)

    Pay sheets of the IESS of people who are going to enter the company to perform the work must be attached.

    Once you complete the course, you will be given a permit that you must present to enter the plant.

  • It depends on the area you visit or the place where the service will be provided.

    CONVERSION: Safety boots. Reflective vest. Auditive protectors. Coping. Glasses.

    WINERIES AND WAREHOUSE CD: Safety boots. Reflective vest. Helmet.

  • Services:
    For the billing of services, only invoices that have:
    - The number of the purchase order and the HAS service acceptance sheet signed by the Softys requesting user.
    - Complete report of the service provided.
    If the invoices do not have this information, they will not be processed and must be filed with a new date.
    Invoices must be sent to:

    Goods and / or Materials:
    - For the delivery of materials, spare parts and / or goods are only received with the bill of lading. A copy of this document is kept at the Warehouse and it must be previously programmed in the materials and / or spare parts record of receipt.
    - The bill of lading must detail the internal material code of SOFTYS, purchase order and description of the SOFTYS material.
    - Bill of lading / delivery certificate signed by the user in the case of goods delivered to the office.
    If the invoices do not have this information, they will not be processed and must be filed with a new date. Invoices must be sent to:

    Observation: If you still do not have electronic invoicing, the invoices must be sent to:
    - Tissue Plant Reception: Km 24.5 via Daule, diagonal to El Pantanal Zoo
    - Do not forget to attach the supporting documents for each invoice.

  • The HAS number must be requested from the person requesting the service.

    - The number of the released HAS must be sent once the service has been received to the full satisfaction of the user area. The PDF file is the proof of the HAS was released.

    - It is important to remember that the Purchasing area is responsible for sending the PDF with the PO number (purchase order) and also that it does not provide the HAS number or the PDF. The HAS PDF is provided by the user area that requires the service..

    Do not forget to attach the supporting documents for each invoice.> / Br> - All invoices received will be marked with the date, exact and consecutive time that said document is received. This date will be used for the payment scheduling

    - The invoice payment date will start to run from the invoice date.

    Schedules and special considerations are detailed:

    PHYSICAL: The hours of operation will be on Monday, Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and in the afternoons from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Invoices that arrive outside of the established days and hours will not be accepted.

  • Our closure is usually the 20th of each month, in December you must confirm it with an official from the purchasing area because the closure is brought forward a few days. The invoice receipt date calendar is detailed.

  • You must send an email to the reception area: Reporting the invoice number, supplier name and company RUC number
    You will receive confirmation within a period of no more than 3 business days

    We are not responsible for payments, withholdings, or changes in payment conditions for the following situations:

    - The invoice does not contain the PO number or HAS in the case of service orders or the referral guide in the case of purchase order invoices (supplies and spare parts to the warehouse)
    - The national invoice was not sent to, regardless of whether it was sent to a collaborator of the company, if it was not sent to the main email, the invoice is not counted and there is no option to claim withholdings or payments.
    - The invoice that was not sent to the main mail mentioned in the previous point, but it was notified throughout withholding claims the following month or after months, must be re-invoiced, but without the option to change the payment conditions on fewer days or in cash .
    - Invoices from abroad for services rendered that do not send the certificate of fiscal residence in Spanish and apostilled at the consulate, will not be registered, and the days of payment will be counted from the date the certificate is sent.

  • You must send an email to Treasury to: detailing invoice numbers, name and RUC of the company you represent.

    They will confirm you within a period of no more than 3 business days.

  • You must write to shopping area, to the following emails:


    Specifying the name and RUC of the company you represent and the change you want to make: update of contacts, bank details, etc.

    It is important to remember that for bank account updates, the respective bank certificate signed by the bank must be attached. It is the only valid and accepted document.

    They will confirm you within a period of no more than 7 business days.

Download necessary information

Payment Schedule 2021